用Python写NCurses UI
Ncurses是一个能提供基于文本终端窗口功能的动态库. Ncurses可以:
- 可以使用整个屏幕
- 创建和管理一个窗口
- 使用8种不同的彩色
- 为您的程序提供鼠标支持
- 使用键盘上的功能键
mc工具集就是一个用ncurses写的很好的例子,而且在终端上系统核心配置的界面同样是用ncurses编写的. 下面就是它们的截图:
print "How easy is this?" x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y print "Result of x + y is", z
程序很简单,我就不多说,把这个文件存成test.py,然后在命令行下调用python test.py就可以看到输出了。
def saystuff(mystring): print "You said:", mystring saystuff("Bach rules") saystuff("So does Telemann")
import curses myscreen = curses.initscr() myscreen.border(0) myscreen.addstr(12, 25, "Python curses in action!") myscreen.refresh() myscreen.getch() curses.endwin()
注意这个示例中的第一行import curses,表明使用curses库,然后这个示像在屏幕中间输出“Python curses in action!”字样,其中坐标为12, 25,注意,在字符界面下,80 x 25是屏幕大小,其用的是字符,而不是像素。下面是运行后的抓屏:
#!/usr/bin/env python from os import system import curses def get_param(prompt_string): screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.addstr(2, 2, prompt_string) screen.refresh() input = screen.getstr(10, 10, 60) return input def execute_cmd(cmd_string): system("clear") a = system(cmd_string) print "" if a == 0: print "Command executed correctly" else: print "Command terminated with error" raw_input("Press enter") print "" x = 0 while x != ord('4'): screen = curses.initscr() screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.addstr(2, 2, "Please enter a number...") screen.addstr(4, 4, "1 - Add a user") screen.addstr(5, 4, "2 - Restart Apache") screen.addstr(6, 4, "3 - Show disk space") screen.addstr(7, 4, "4 - Exit") screen.refresh() x = screen.getch() if x == ord('1'): username = get_param("Enter the username") homedir = get_param("Enter the home directory, eg /home/nate") groups = get_param("Enter comma-separated groups, eg adm,dialout,cdrom") shell = get_param("Enter the shell, eg /bin/bash:") curses.endwin() execute_cmd("useradd -d " + homedir + " -g 1000 -G " + groups + " -m -s " + shell + " " + username) if x == ord('2'): curses.endwin() execute_cmd("apachectl restart") if x == ord('3'): curses.endwin() execute_cmd("df -h") curses.endwin()
如果你你了解NCurses编程,你可以看看相关的Linux HOW-TO的文章,链接在这里:Linux Documentation Project’s NCURSES Programming How To